Hello blogosphere, remember way back when this blog began, and x-files still happened, I said "I will probably spend most of my blogs apologizing for not writing a blog" in fact I almost intended the blog to be just that. Well this actually turned into a sort of a real blog-ish. I had alot of dead space that past end of the year, but we are 14 days into a new year, and that means new starts (or so they say). So let me start with apologizing for breaking my promise of updating at least bi monthly. I now revoke that promise, and will make no more promises about regular updates. Lets face it, does anyone ever actually stick to that? and when I say anyone I mean me, its like I intend something and it turns out the other way. Its like Fumino from Mayoi Neko Overrun. I still want to blog, just, I make no promises. Maybe this blog will blossom into a critical and highly perspective space but lets not get our hopes up while I'm in uni. Uni might be the source of the critical thinking but damned if it wants to share my time. I know that I don't want a blog that follows my life chronologically, I don't see the merit in that unless it were for a performance piece.
Lets get to the source here of my lack of blogging: firstly my life in chronology is not necessarily that interesting, hence why I don't keep a diary and find it difficult to keep just one sketch book - well in part - I'm also not that consistent, what I do keep is a day book that is a hold all of sorts, and yet sometimes not. I actually hate the schedule game, I like being inconsistent, and yet am much happier when I plan my time when I have obligations to uphold. The answer to that problem is = retire early. Inconsistency really is the problem here. Secondly time, school and work take up 85% of my time, now %5 is commuting, %5 to sleeping, that only leaves %5 left for my friends, family, pets, and quiet. I probably misrepresented commuting as too small because I have to stay on campus so long that cuts into my school work time, as I work best at home, which cuts into my sleeping time but after a while you start passing out so that other %5 is cut into and then when my part time job starts giving me 30 hours a week and I cant keep up anymore because my time management is spinning out of control, a leisurely blog gets put in the microwave next door to keep warm, then after a while I haven't come to retrieve it so the neighbor put it in the freezer. One day after cleaning out his freezer the neighbor sees it and sends it over as a reminder it was there all along! Thank cupcakes for good neighbors and friends. In fact without their rescue I probably would have blown up the entire kitchen. So thanks to them, and I hope that they enjoyed the shenanigans. I now know that I should not work more than 10-15 hours a week during school, I should not take on more that 2 practical classes at once, and that 30 credits are waaay to much. For the sake of my sanity and potentially wanting to go to grad school one day I will be splitting up my fourth year into two.
I'm still facing some repercussions of the fiasco the last semester had become but I have the time to redeem myself now, with a renewed work ethic, and a good new years resolution which I will be happy to discuss and partly document in this blog. I will actually be turning the resolution and Anime North into a sort of a performance piece that I would like to build on with influences by Cindy Sherman. I'm also planning a postering attack much like the chevron critique by the Yes Men.
More on that... Next Time
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