Thursday, February 25, 2010


My history essay is due tuesday, My thumbnails for intro to design are due tonight, I need to be prepared for painting class tomorrow, I have a presentation on thursday, weekly design projects, and another essay due in three weeks, but here I am blogging. You are probably wondering why I'm being such a dumb shit? I think I may be programmed to do this procrastinate thing, it has been happening since elementary school math homework. It might be like a serious birth defect, some weird(er than usual) form of masochism, or maybe its a genetic trait, like junk collecting? What ever way that it happens, if there is anyone out there in the internet that can cure it without the use of mind altering drugs or an elastic band around my wrist (believe me, by the time I realize I have procrastinated it is probably to late to solve the issue by snapping elastic to my wrist) I would really appreciate some help for the sake of what is left of my sanity.

p.s one week after reading week and all I have done is homework...
this sounds like a contradictory statement, but so you know what I did over reading week? nothing! And now I am pying for my mistakes but my brain is like HOLD ON LADY, what the HELL is your problem? Have you not herd of ENDORPHINS you know that hormone that keeps you happy? well were out of crack and its time to restock!
And so out of punishment I have a mental block.

p.p.s Before I got the mental block at about 1:30 today in class when I just did not want to write notes any more I managed to get quite a bit of stuff done but not good enough yet. Anyhow for my painting class I will be doing a collage based on Hyronimus Bosch's Garden of Earthly Delights, but instead of telling the story of man's fall from grace on catholic terms I have decided to take another creationist Idea of Flying Spaghetti Monster and reference how culture with the internet can become viral and reach people at the rate religion once did

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