I feel like I need to highlight the levels of Douchebaggery, this being because I would like everyone to call the people who deliberately try to piss people off for no apparent reason on their shit properly.
Firstly, there are three levels: Jerk, Douchebag, and Asshole.
A Jerk is a guy who is deliberately pissing people off in small scales, on occasion, generally that every now and again when immaturity strikes.
A Douchebag is for the large portion when a guy is just not quite an asshole.
An Asshole will go above an beyond to really make somebody miserable, like driving 90 in the fast lane, harassing a group of girls for over an hour, kicking out the canes from old people, and so on. Not fun, and they are like this 24/7. If they are not then they want something and once they get it, the asshole is full swing. I do believe that if I witness an asshole in action I will punch him in the nads, because he isn't good enough to receive my fist in the face.
Now Jerks and assholes are small margins compared the the majority of Duchebags. Douchebag covers enough that there are degrees of douchebaggery. Your average douchebag is probably somewhat tolerable enough for short periods of time, until he starts boasting about his latest act of doucebaggery. A really huge Douche will never stop the douchebaggery and occasionally cross the line into asshole. Then there are the in-betweens. I am convinced that all douchebags have fluctuation in their degree of douchebaggery. Douchebags hang out together, like in packs for two reasons, one because they can increase the amount of douche damage done in one sitting, and two because no one else will hang out with them.
The worst part about Douchebags is for some reason in places of concentrated immaturity (aka most high schools) are accepted and praised. It is not good cognitive development because they will be destroyed when they make it into the real world. So, for everyone to reads this post please, if you see a douchebag flag him to everyone around you to save yourselves all a little hardship and to hopefully save that damned personality from further haring themselves!
And that is all I have to say about that, tune in next time for my ramble on how much I wish I had a ime machine so I could write more blogs
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