Sunday, March 21, 2010

How to get a Cyborg Pirate Ninja Jesus

To get a Cyborg Pirate Ninja Jesus you must use a hadron collider and stick a Ninja and a Pirate in with the intention to stop the Pirates versus Ninja war by creating a hibrid. Good intentions are not enough however to stop what will be the apocalypse once the Ninja and Pirate fuse on impact. If however you do this at the second coming of Christ then in a desperate attempt to save humanity the pope will throw Jesus into the oncoming explosion. Jesus' magical abilities will have a magnetic effect on the apocalypse explosion and absorb everything into an implosion, thus canceling the disaster. What will arise from the crater where there was once a hadron collider is Jesus merged with the machine, the pirate and the ninja becoming Cyborg Pirate Ninja Jesus!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I don't care if you like the music or not the video art is phenomenal!

and for and older awesome video